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What do you think of when you hear the word “exercise?” It may bring a sense of excitement, adrenaline, uneasiness, or shame. You may have more than one of these feelings, or the thoughts that run through your head may fall on a different spectrum. Needless to say, physical activity means...

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) launched #More than Enough, their 2023 campaign May 1st.

It is important that all of us recognize mental health as...

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Exercise is essential for both health and fitness. While physical activity is beneficial for overall health, structured and planned exercise at higher intensities can significantly improve performance. This blog explores the importance of moving and exercise, the distinction between the two, and...

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Like we mentioned last week, changes don’t happen overnight! But with guidance and consistency you will find that it’s easier to get started and continue making healthy choices. When we say that consistency is key, we mean it– healthy habits turn into lifestyle changes and long-term lifestyle...


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