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40 Day Wellbeing Challenge

Tired of setting New Year’s Resolutions only to forget all about them before the year is half over? Take a meaningful step toward change — join our wellness program!

At the start of a new year, many of us are inclined to reflect on the past year, our lives, successes, failures, and areas we would like to improve. However, simply relying on the turn of the calendar to motivate us to make improvements is typically not enough to shed all of our bad habits. This is especially true for health and wellness goals.

If you have fallen short of your New Year’s aspirations or are not seeing the results you expected, we have just the thing you need to re-set your goals — the 40-Day Wellbeing Challenge.

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What Is The 40-Day Wellbeing Challenge?

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Dr. Seuss

Does this quote resonate with you and your wellness plan? It should! The best wellness programs take an individual approach and develop a personal plan to help you achieve your optimal wellness. After all, we are complex individuals with varying personalities and a seemingly endless number of factors that have molded us into the people we are today. To see lasting results, we have to make fundamental changes that address our unique personalities.

Balanced Wellness uses this understanding to create wellness programs that are focused on your needs. We think you should focus on becoming the ‘best you’ possible — not what everyone says you should be, but what you believe you should be.

To accomplish this, our health coaches and professionals work with you to set discrete and measurable goals and develop the best plan to help you become the best version of yourself. This all begins with a vision. We have found that having a clear and defined vision is crucial to the success of a wellness program. This is why during week one of our 40-Day Wellbeing Challenge, participants are asked to spend time reflecting and participating in activities that help uncover their core values and deepest motivators.

Reflect to Align. Reflect to Realign

Not only is reflection an important part of creating a solid vision and roadmap for accomplishing all of your health goals, but it also can help realign your goals if you are falling short. If you are looking to set resolutions you will stick to or help realign your existing effort, consider trying some of the steps that are integral to the first week of our 40-Day Wellbeing Challenge.

Week 1: Reflection — Create Your Vision Of Wellness

  • Day — 1: Examine your life. Select 3-5 words that describe what you would like your life to reflect. Values-List-5ff3103cdf4ad. Journal your thoughts.
  • Day — 2: Identify ‘the best you’; do not conform to ‘should be’s’. Create a Wellness Vision for the life you desire (create a statement or visual picture). Try using a Wellness Wheel or a Wellness Vision MindMap.
  • Day — 3: Care for yourself — physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Write or find 5-10 positive affirmations.
  • Day — 4: Accept who you are — you are ‘wonderfully made’. Be your best physically, set a goal weight.
  • Day — 5: Create a purpose statement. Live your values daily. Be who you are made to be. Create a Specific plan with strategies. Action Plan
  • Day — 6: Change your mindset to change your life. Take a 10-minute reflective walk.
  • Day — 7: Resolve to live a healthy life. Self-care time for you: read, take a bath, call a friend. Commit to your Action Plan.

Balanced Wellness LLC believes that your goals, values, and purpose are what ‘drive’ or motivate you to make lasting changes in behavior. This applies to all dimensions of your well-being. For additional information on the dimensions of wellness see the National Wellness Institutes Fact Sheet — NWI SixDimensionsFactSheet-Tool

Ready for Week 2?

Balanced Wellness is here to help you! As a team of health coaches and health experts specializing in corporate wellness and wellness coaching, we have the tools and knowledge to help you achieve your idea of optimal wellness. Contact us to learn more about wellness coaching.