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Sweet, sweet water!

Swim, Float, Survive

Between bath time and baby pools, kids learn to love the water. And it’s no wonder. Swimming pools provide hours of fun, whether you’re competing in the 100m freestyle, having cannon ball competitions with your friends, splashing your parents, or simply playing with water toys! The challenge, however, is that air is not free… and many of the shortcuts we take to have fun prevent us from learning our own weight in the water and how to work for the air we need to survive.

According to the CDC, “Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death for infants and young children between the ages of 1-4.”

Infant Swim Resource (ISR) provides a multi-layered approach to water safety, including Survival Swim Lessons! These lessons help young children (as young as six months old) understand their body weight in the water – in order to get air, it takes work. Floaties and puddle jumpers teach a virtual posture that doesn’t require work versus learning a survival float or “swim-float-swim” technique that can get them to safety. Water fun should be just that, fun – but even more importantly, safe… without assistance of toys or floatation devices.

Tip: Check out the Family Aquatic Safety List to review tips for safety in/around the pool, hot tub, bathtub, boat and lake, and the beach.

Furthermore, while children are most at risk, “anyone can drown.”

Swim Smart

Infants and young children aren’t the only ones at risk of drowning. Anyone can drown, even master swimmers! “Every year in the United States, there is an estimate of 4,000 fatal drownings,” according to the CDC. This equals about 11 deaths daily caused by drowning.

The summer time calls for hot days, which means a lot of time and more activities spent in pools, lakes, and oceans. To ensure water safety, it is important to wear a life jacket, especially in large bodies of water. There are a few other critical tips to keep in mind as you take to the water and enjoy the rays:

  • Know how to safely operate any water equipment, such as boats, jet skis, tubes, slides, etc. Always be aware of your surroundings and others!

  • Watch out for buoys or boundaries. These are often in place to keep you out of harm’s way, and to keep others out of your way, too!

  • Keep company. It’s important to not be alone when you’re out on the water. Plus, it’s more fun!

  • When on the beach, pay attention to the flags that are posted to keep you safe. Each color represents something different. Make sure to refresh your memory before you head on vacation!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

While it is not the answer to everything, there is one concept to remember that can help you get the most out of your summer: more WATER!

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “If you’re thirsty, you’re already mildly dehydrated, and that can cause symptoms like headache, fatigue, dizziness, and more. Dehydration can contribute to life-threatening illnesses like heatstroke.”

How often do you feel thirsty, experience headaches, fatigue, or dizziness in the summer (or any other day)? The number one way to prevent these symptoms before they start is to drink water consistently! Not only do we feel more energized and present throughout the day, consistently consuming enough water helps aid our digestion and eliminate waste, lubricates our joints, balances body chemicals to help in hormone and neurotransmitter development, regulates our body temperature, and so much more.

So what’s the “sweet” amount of water for YOU to drink to stay hydrated? Drink half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, your daily goal is 100 ounces of water. Keep in mind how mobile you are, if you’re sweating, and if you have any medical conditions or take any medications that require you to consume more! If you are way below your mark, gradually increase your intake every few days – let your body get used to it. Any lifestyle change is a process.

Water from Fruits and Vegetables

Did you know that there's another delicious and nutritious way to quench your thirst and stay hydrated? Fruits and vegetables are not only packed with essential vitamins and minerals, but they also contain a significant amount of water.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of hydration due to their high water content. Cucumbers, watermelons, strawberries, and oranges are just a few examples of fruits that contain a high percentage of water. Similarly, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, and zucchini are hydrating vegetables. These natural hydrators can be a refreshing snack or a flavorful addition to your meals, helping you stay hydrated throughout the day. Click here to view a water content.

Consuming water-rich fruits and vegetables offers multiple benefits beyond just hydration. Firstly, they aid in regulating body temperature and maintaining electrolyte balance. The natural sugars and fiber in these foods also contribute to sustained hydration, preventing dehydration more effectively than sugary drinks.

Furthermore, the vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables promote overall health. These nutrient powerhouses support immune function, enhance skin health, aid digestion, and even contribute to weight management. Incorporating a variety of hydrating fruits and vegetables into your diet can boost your energy levels, improve cognitive function, and support your overall well-being.