
Fall into Fitness!

As we move from September to October, we will be moving full force into Fall! For many years, we have offered our Fall into Fitness program, and we’re excited to announce that we will be doing the program a little different this year–We will have a private Facebook group open to the community!

Seasons are a wonderful time to shift our lives. The temperature changes, causing us to choose different clothes, foods, exercise and more often than not – attitude! Fall is by far my favorite season; I love the colors and the cooler temperatures. While spring offers cool mornings and warm days, it feels very different, it is about new growth while I see fall as focusing inward…warmth. Warm colors, comforting foods, and cozy sweaters.

Much of my graduate studies focused on ‘periodization’. Very similar to the seasons, there are usually 4 phases of workouts. Although it’s typically designed for the hardcore athlete, fitness periodization also works very well for the general public! It gives us a way to systematically create workout programs that change every 6-12 weeks to keep our body from boredom and injury since our bodies do adapt rather quickly and sometimes require the need to ‘change things up’. To do this, I encourage my clients to create 4 programs for the year, each containing a 12-week plan. Fall is a great time to ramp up your strength training as you move from outdoor activity to indoors, and it’s also a great time to get out the crock pot or instant pot and focus on soups and chili dishes, typically very high in fiber. I also encourage you to create a meal plan, or at least collect healthy fall recipes.

This month we are going to focus on fitness but not lose sight of food or mindfulness. Starting next week, we will be addressing a component of fitness and providing a recipe and positive affirmation.

  • · FITT– Looking individually at each component of fitness. Strength, Cardio, Flexibility, Neuromuscular.
  • · FIBER– Now is a great time to focus on getting your fiber in. Fiber is important for digestive health AND fullness.
  • · FOCUS– Time to begin reflecting on your year (oh my! What a year 2020 has been) and looking forward to a new year. Start to set those positive affirmations now and you will come into the new year with a strong start.

If you received our Spring Forward eBook, now is a great time to create your own personalized Fall into Fitness book!

Opt-in to join our private ‘Fall into Fitness’ Facebook group, where we will create a similar book personalized for you!

Join Our Facebook Group!